



As featured on The Chakboard Mag — How to Overhaul Your Closet the Sustainable Way.

In case you didn’t already know, your skin is your body’s largest organ and the fashion industry is one of the world’s largest polluters.

Have you considered all the ways these have an effect on your health? What is your gorgeous skin absorbing, and not able to eliminate, as a result of the clothing you wear each day?

I support women in healing inside and out, restoring the connection to their power and creating shifts in their bodies through conscious dressing. I start with a remote mind-body healing session to assess your chakra system, masculine/feminine balance and any blocks in your beliefs preventing you from dressing how you’d like. I assess your skin tone, body shape and aesthetic preferences then I make recommendations for proportions, necklines and colors to promote healing through chakra balance, ones that also suit your complexion. I provide a mood board, personal consultation guide, a self-closet edit with a follow-up and ten shop-able pieces. I also offer a three-month subscription with ten shop-able pieces per month to build your new wardrobe.

How To Overhaul Your Closet The Sustainable Way

Here are six tips to use your consumer power to create shifts to benefit the health of your body, the planet and our collective psyche:

NATURAL FABRICS | They allow your skin to breathe and properly perform its function of eliminating toxins. They are more environmentally friendly than synthetics, which contain substances such as formaldehyde and petrochemicals, emit CO2 during production and are higher water consumers. Although natural is a better choice, not all naturals are created equal. Bamboo, although technically natural, is heavily processed to achieve the softness of fabric that it’s not an ideal option. Cotton, although breathable, can still be laden with pesticides, which may be absorbed into your body via your skin. When your body heats fabric, it opens your pores and increases absorption of the chemicals the fibers hold. (Gross.) These chemicals have been linked to decreased fertility, brain and fetal damage. Fabric choice is especially important to your reproductive health in regards to what you’re wearing underneath your clothes that can to be readily absorbed into your most delicate parts. Best bets are organic cotton, linen, silk, wool, tencel and hemp. They’re often softer, too.

PLANT-BASED DYES | The dying process can be not only harmful to the environment via water pollution and consumption, but also harmful to your skin via toxic chemicals that can irritate skin, cause cancer and do not have to be disclosed on the label. Just like you may follow with skin care, putting clothes on your body that are dyed with food you would eat is a far better option. Brands like Awave Awake are achieving stunning colors using plants.

TRANSPARENCY | If a brand isn’t bragging about the way they treat their healthy business practices in terms of production, environmental impact, fabrics and dying process, chances are there isn’t anything to brag about. Keep this in mind as not only a humanitarian effort, but the entanglement theory of quantum physics, which tells us we are each affected by one another. Making sure your clothes are being made by human beings being treated like human being ensures that high vibe quality. A few brands I love are: Veja, Swedish Stockings, Awave Awake, Knickey, Arthur Apparel, Ooloop, Amour Vert, Reformation.

ALTER VERSES ACQUIRE | Consider taking a look at the pieces in your current closet that don’t feel fresh and fun. Can you alter them in some way so they work better for you? Bringing up the hem of a shirt or skirt, opening the neckline or changing the color via plant-based dyes can breathe new life into your wardrobe. The less demand, especially for fast fashion, the less product produced to ultimately end up in landfills.

INVEST IN QUALITY | Long-term, even though it may come at a higher price tag, is a better return on investment for your cost per wear than a garment that won’t go the distance. Buying higher quality shoes, for example, will last you years and can be re-soled or repaired instead of moving onto the next. This also ties in with the final tip…

KNOW THYSELF | It may not immediately come to mind that being self-aware is sustainable, but stay with me. We often purchase pieces that don’t suit us because of a sale or as a quick decision, but then you don’t end up wearing it and it cycles out of your closet. This leaves you with a constant need to refresh with new pieces. Learning your body shape, skin tone and aesthetic preferences empowers you to make stronger purchases that work for you in all possible ways. You will be less likely to toss sartorial selections you feel great in and love to wear.

Interested in working together? Book your Sartorial Revival Session here!

image of Liz Blood by Jenny Wirt