



Supporting health imbalances can be done through a wide variety of modalities. My personal favorites and those that you can incorporate daily are through bringing certain elements into your wardrobe and home environment. Through dressing with intention and surrounding yourself with certain colors, you can connect to the corresponding chakras to help balance and promote healing of the emotional and physical traumas being held there!

White — aura — 8th

Tanya styled by Jenny taKen by taylor mckaY smith

Tanya styled by Jenny taKen by taylor mckaY smith

White is one of my favorite colors to wear. It’s not only reflects away the energy and emotions of others and our environment, but it’s also the color representative of the 8th chakra (aura).

Located : the aura is the total combination of the total chakra system and surrounds your entire body.

Linked to : connecting to your higher self + spirituality. We also interact with the subtle bodies of others whether we’re sensitive to them or not. Wearing white can serve as a sort of protection from taking on the emotions of others and is especially beneficial to those in health care or working directly with others in high stress or emotionally charged settings.

Imbalances manifest : connecting to your higher self and spirituality may leave you feeling less connected to your body and the world around you. You may find it helpful to incorporate more grounding practices like getting your bare feet on the earth or visualizing growing roots from your feet into the soil.

Balance yourself : wearing white or bringing it into your environment through floral or decor elements.

Skin tone : Depending on your skin tone you may gravitate towards vibrant white, off-white or cream. Cool (blue/pink) undertones will be illuminated by pure white and warmer (yellow/olive) tones can venture into creamier hues. If your skin tone changes seasonally your staple white will likely change too!

How I treat : energetic clearing, bringing in white healing light to surround your body.

violet — Crown — 7th

image by for art’s sAke

image by for art’s sAke

Located : at crown of head where coronal and sagittal sutures meet.

Linked to: nervous system function involving the spinal cord, brain stem, pain centers (all pain originates in your brain) and nerves. the crown chakra is also at the level of the pineal gland that produces melatonin, maintains circadian rhythm and regulates hormones. 

Imbalance manifests : physically as headaches, migraines, nervous system stress, and brain fog. Typically the craniosacral rhythm is also asymmetrical at the cranium, meaning there are restrictions in the fascia surrounding the skull that aren’t allowing the subtle expansion and contraction at the sutures where the bones meet that’s needed as cerebrospinal fluid is produced and reabsorbed. Emotionally as feeling disconnected spiritually and from higher self.

Balance yourself : bring violet into your wardrobe elements +/or environment to support balance.

Skin tone : violets with cool blue undertones best suit cool or neutral skin while dusty shades with yellow undertones work well with warm/neutral skin tones.

How I treat : craniosacral releases at top of skull, resetting rhythm, chakra clearing to allow for better flow and connection to source healing.

Indigo — third eye — 6th

Veronica sTyled by jenny taken by hailley howard

Veronica sTyled by jenny taken by hailley howard

Located : at the center of your forehead just above your eyebrows. You may be less familiar with how it’s imbalance can hugely affect your endocrine system and intuition.

Linked to : the pituitary gland, vision, brain function, sinuses, head/aches, memory, and mood. The pituitary gland is called the “master gland” because it controls so many other systems and secretes hormones that flow to adrenal glands, thyroid and reproductive organs. Feelings of trust.

Imbalance manifests : physically as dizziness, vertigo, inner ear symptoms, TMJ dysfunction, vision issues, etc. Emotionally as feeling lost and unclear.

Balance yourself : through wearing indigo or bringing into your environment to help balance and support this chakra.

Skin : cool / neutral / seasonal neutral in winter months

How I treat : releasing held tension surrounding temporal bone, intracranial membrane, resetting craniosacral rhythm at the level of temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Addressing emotions surrounding what you’ve seen and heard in your personal experience and brining in opposing healing emotions.

** Trusting your inner vision and intuition can lead you to be able to intuitively select colors that will promote healing for you as well as knowing your authentic personal aesthetic. **

Turquoise blue — throat — 5th

Image via pinterest

Image via pinterest

Located : at the center of your neck at the level of your throat.

Linked to : thyroid + parathyroid glands of the endocrine system that produce hormones regulating metabolism, growth/development, body temperature, and calcium balance that’s vital to proper function of heart, kidneys, bones and nervous system. Feelings around communication, truth, and self-expression.

Imbalances manifest : physically as thyroid dysfunction, a lump in your throat, neck pain or tension. Emotionally as shyness or verbal aggression.

Balance yourself : wearing shades of light or turquoise blue to support this chakra. best for

Skin tone : cool / neutral / seasonal neutral

How I treat : releasing held tension and stuck emotions at base of skull, realigning cervical vertebrae, hyoid bone release (often holding unspoken words or too much communication in a certain area of life), chakra clearing, emotional trauma healing to release negatively held emotions and bring in the positive to fill the space.

Green / pink — heart — 4th

Image via pinterest

Image via pinterest

Located : at the center of your chest + the heart meridian goes down the inside of both arms.

Linked to : thymus gland at the front of your heart, which plays a big role in your lymphatic system and immune response.

Imbalances manifest : auto-immune conditions, closed postures with rounded shoulders, arm symptoms during exercise, decreased circulation generally and to hands especially. closed off to love or too open-hearted.

Balance yourself : wear pink +/or green, I usually see one or the other while working one-on-one and make recommendations to the individual, but you can also let your intuition guide you towards which is most impactful for you. seeing these colors associated with this chakra can help you bring awareness and serve as a reminder for stronger boundaries or softening your protection over your heart.

Skin tone : cool, warm or neutral depending on the shade. pinks + greens with more yellow in them or a ‘dusty’ look like olive green would be great for warm skin + those with more blue like hunter green for cooler skin. If you’re not sure, holding it up to your skin or face the color should illuminate you vs dulling.

How I treat : myofascial energy release and stretching to pecs + forearms, mobilize vertebrae of upper back, craniosacral release at thoracic inlet, heart chakra balancing + thymus stimulation, letting go of past emotional trauma stored in this space, creating protection or opening of your heart center.

Golden yellow — solar plexus — 3rd

Image by rachel comey

Image by rachel comey

Located : between diaphragm muscle that sits at the bottom of your rib cage and your naval.

Linked to : adrenal glands that produce the hormones cortisol, aldosterone and adrenaline, which are involved in blood pressure regulation, electrolyte balance, metabolism, the immune system and your stress response. feelings of not good enough, overworked, powerlessness or grief. personal power source.

Imbalances manifest : anxiety, difficulty w/ diaphragmatic breathing into belly, hernias, adrenal fatigue, increased stress levels, lack of confidence or independence.

Balance yourself : wear or bring golden yellow into your environment.

Skin tone : this color best compliments warm-toned skin, neutral, or seasonal neutral in warmer months when you’re more tan.

How I treat : trigger point release to diaphragm, craniosacral respiratory diaphragm, chakra balancing, releasing + replacing held emotions or trauma

Orange — sacral — 2nd

image by the frankie shop

image by the frankie shop

Located : base of your spine, 3” below your naval

Linked to : reproductive organs, bowel/bladder function, large intestine elimination and generational trauma. creativity, sexuality + flow of feelings.

Imbalances manifest : pelvic disorders, misaligned pelvis, low back or tailbone pain, painful periods, digestive issues, reproductive challenges, lack of self-expression, emotions around fear — especially around birthing creative projects, motherhood, or past trauma.

Balance yourself : wear or bring orange into your environment

Skin tone : warm tones / neutral / seasonal neutral in summer

How I treat : pelvic alignment, muscle balancing through myofascial energy release + stretching, craniosacral release to reproductive diaphragm and sacrum, chakra balancing, release + replace held emotions.

Red — root — 1st

brainA sTyled by jenny taken by hailley howard

brainA sTyled by jenny taken by hailley howard

Located : very base of your spine, also governs hips to feet

Linked to : reproductive glands + sex hormones, adrenal cortex, safety, security + grounding

Imbalances manifest : pain in tailbone/hips/knees/ankles/feet, lack of safety could manifest as anxiety, feeling ungrounded or “in your head”,

Balance yourself : wear or bring red into your environment.

Skin-tone : cool tones will be complimented by blue-hued reds, while warm tones gravitate towards more fiery orange-red and neutrals can find their place on either end or in between that spectrum.

How I treat : craniosacral releases anywhere from sacrum to lower body joints, myofascial energy release to commonly restricted muscle groups, emotional balancing, pulling energy from top of head down through your feet

Black / Grounding / ABSORPTIVE

brainA sTyled by jenny taken by hailley howard

brainA sTyled by jenny taken by hailley howard

Color properties : grounding, absorbs the energy surrounding you

Wear when : you know you’ll be in safe, positive surroundings. great for parties with close friends, going out in nature, a cozy night at home. recommend avoiding if you’re going to be in a stressful environment, large crowd, a potentially toxic conversation, etc. especially if you’re sensitive to taking on the energy and emotions of those around you.

Skin tone : cool / neutral / seasonal neutral especially in winter

* More color healing through wardrobe Pinspiration *

If you’d like more support Through hands-on or Wardrobe healing, I look forward to working together!

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