Combining her knowledge of the physical + subtle bodies with her styling abilities + intuitive gifts, Jenny will guide you along your path to embodied self-expression. During an energy reading she is able to assess anything you may be holding in your subtle body that’s keeping you from fully becoming the person you truly are + expressing yourself through what you wear each day.



We will work together to bring awareness to any limiting beliefs + imbalances during and use your wardrobe elements to support healing. If you feel like you are not fully embracing your true self in any aspect of your life, expect this to be a profoundly impactful experience.


Once you complete the questionnaire, Jenny will read your energy to tap into any limitations or imbalances. You’ll receive an email with your reading results, style guide and mood board. Plus steps to apply your new wardrobe recommendations for a self-closet edit and guidance for future purchases.

inspiration board based on your individual aesthetic + intuitive reading

empowered use of body proportions

color selection to accentuate skin tone + support healing

customized style guide for your journey towards self-expression

◌ steps for a self closet edit to assess what you have, pieces to revamp or let go & what to bring in for max impact

The ultimate goal of the session is for you to feel confident in performing your own full closet edit + empowered with knowledge in making future purchases.

If you know who you are, how you want to look and feel in what you’re wearing, but continue to experiences challenges in getting dressed or know you’re not achieving your full potential — this service is for you!


She’s deeply intuitive, skilled as hell, and when she says she wants you to feel f*ing magical in your clothes, she not only means it, she will help you make it happen! 

— Blake B

read more about Blake’s experience here!

My wardrobe healing consultation was hugely empowering, shockingly transformative, and wonderfully enjoyable. My love life, business. and connection to self are all more vibrant as a result. What’s more, daily I use the tools Jenny taught me (clothing, colors, visualizations, and acts of self expression) to shift energy blocks, alleviate physical issues and uplevel my mindset.

— Leah S

This was everything I had been looking for as a woman. Jenny is like a real life fairy godmother and has connected me back to who I am and provided me tools to express that in my own way, while also removing any blocks I had been experiencing around my own power.

— Tanya W

an intuitive energy reading & recommendations for colors or aesthetic choices for balance and well-being.

this is for you if you feel confident in dressing for your skin tone & proportions, know your aesthetic, but want the healing check in to be more intentional with your every day selects!

can help support your healing, enhance creativity, allow greater alignment in your life to attract what’s meant for you, among many other pros. I’ll read your energy in advance & we’ll have a quick 15 minute call to go over your results!

as you move along your path, your life and energetic needs can shift & change. this is also a great option to check in if you’ve had a wardrobe session before. no limit on how many or often to book the MINI!