



Finding balance where it’s currently lacking brings healing. We all have masculine and feminine aspects to our energetic bodies that manifest physically. The right sides of our bodies representing the masculine, while the left side feminine.

Often it’s visible in the way we stand. If you look in a mirror or even close your eyes to feel into which side you’re holding more weight it can indicate that you lean more heavily towards one or the other. Let’s dive deeper into those elements and how to recognize a potential imbalance.

MASCULINE / action-oriented. giving. pushing. drive.

masculine wardrobe elements — structured. clean lines. heavy. minimal. utilitarian. rigid fabrics.

Photo by malene birger

Photo by malene birger

Image by joseph resort

Image by joseph resort

photo @archillect

photo @archillect

FEMININE / rest. allowing. receiving. restorative.

feminine wardrobe elements — flowy. delicate. light. airy. movement. shapeless. frivolous details.

Photo via the lane

Photo via the lane

Photo @ullajOhnson

Photo @ullajOhnson

Photo anne manns jewelry

Photo anne manns jewelry

During a remote healing session I assess for masculine/feminine balance and begin to work to bring harmony where it’s needed. If energy appears more heavily stored on one side or the other we work to pull it towards the opposite to balance, then reinforce through your wardrobe elements as part of the sartorial revival style guide.

More masculine / feminine inspiration here.

How does this information hit you? Do you lean more into masculine or feminine or have you found a nice balance? If you’ve found balance, what’s helped you achieve it? Leave a comment below!

if you’d like more support in this area and finding balance within your own life and wardrobe I’d love to work together one on one.



image via Pinterest

Sartorevi Sustainable Spring Style Edit

Sartorevi Sustainable Spring Style Edit